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Sunday, October 31, 2010

whatever happens...happens for a reason..


1.Kristen Stewart   2.BCS Rankings 3.James Gandolfini 4.Scholarship Apples??? 5.Taylor Swift

 6.Halloween (ya think?)

7.Rihanna  8.Oregon vs. USC

9.Mortgage Rates (again with the mortgage rates!?!?)

10.DC Gunman (very odd)

     Life is full of ramdomess. Lots of unrealted things that point us to one thing. Or so it seems. Or so we want it to be. That idiot that just ran you off the road? That Jackasser, is the same guy that dies in a firey auto accident 5 miles down the road, but happens to have a kidney that is a rare but exact match for a kid dying in southern Florida...mebbe... would that be random? Coincidence? Or for a reason...
     Some days we wonder why this happens to me. Some days we wonder why this happened to someone else...Some days are so good you want to freeze them and pull em out and eat em when the day you are having is craptacular...
     Remember that guy that we all knew that was even a bigger nerd than you were in high school?  you know the one i am talking about...the guy that writes computer code  for FUN...back in the late 70's and early 80's writing computer code or simple programs was UberGeeky. That guy goes on to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs...
     Ostrasized people sometimes use the pain of foolish taunts to go out and show the world what they missed by not befriending them...or they show the world the recieving end of a gun, like in Littleton, CO.

i really do not understand what could be so bad to push you over the edge like that and thinkg *getting even* by killing your tormentors...seems like a bit of overkill..
     Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind I remember a physics theory or mebbe fact that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. i could be wrong but i doubt it... some of us affectionately refer to this as karma as well... Some of us see events as pieces of the puzzle that is our purpose...
     That bum that you give a dollar? Mebbe he goes on to use that dollar to buy booze, but mebbe he goes and calls a family member and they rescue him from the dispair of the streets..mebbe...Most lilkely he gets a few more dollars from other kind hearted souls (read: suckers like me) and buys a cheap bottle of whiskey and drinks himself to sleep...or death...but you do not know...
    helping someone in need should not be a long thought out thing... 
we can all use some deposits in the karma bank...
     My friend VoHo (voho can you hear me ) has a tragic, but self-induced accicent.  He hits a fire truck that is on the way to a non-emergency, to resue a cat or something non-life threatenting. although if your cat cannot get out of a tree that cat has a big problem.. (there has been some additional clarification since the actual accident)At the same time another first responder is heading that  way as well. Coincidence? If not for the other emergency vehicle, there is no VoHo. there is a funeral...
     He will prolly be in a wheel chair for the rest of his life. He will need his house modified. He will need a wheel chair  and a barrior free bathroom... I have been learning about Universal Design and ADA bath rooms  and working on several barrior free projects for the past year. Is this random??? or not...IDK...
     We all want a purpose, even if it is simply the guy that sounds so natural when he lobs the f-bomb that strangers are impressed. and yes this has happened to me. A new aqauanitance at a gathering several months ago told me that I sounded so natural when I lobbed the big f...Like I was meant to do it. well if that ain't a purpose for my life I do not know what is....
     Remember that song by SteffanWolf, Born to be Wild...the original title to the song was actually Born to Lob F-bombs, but the music industry, in it's infinite wisdom,  decided that it would not be as marketable with that title and lyrics, so they went back ot the studio and re-recorded it. and yes it was written about me...TRUE STORY!!! well....mebbe...Okay, but it sure could have been...Jus' Sayin'...
   So now I have to decide what to do with my life. I will prolly go forward in the construction business. but ideally I would like to write. so the blog is my outlet, my hobby, my part-time gig...but it could be huge!!! cuz of Dreamality...I could, thru chance and hard work, reap the benefits of my attempt. I have met a few Great people in my WritersQuest, and I thank these new people in my CyberLife for the compliment, comments and what in my non-cyberworld I consider friendship.
(here ,here and here i hope it is not a CyberRule that i have broken by not asking for permission first but i have always lived thinking how would i feel if...i know i want my blog shared with everyone!!)    
    The world is one click away from having your identity stolen or becoming the next ViralWhatever...the idea of 15 minutes of fame is now condensed to 15 seconds. But the whole deal comes down to the simple fact that everything happens for a reason...there is no coincidence...

or is there?

great day on the clikthru single day ever!
and GR, you are back on top of the
Albany? you gonna let that fly?
thanks and dog kisses


  1. I had this convo w/the guy at Home Depot that turned me onto Frank.. His kids lost a good friend who was killed recently on the frwy. and that kid was 20 something... My husband was killed on the frwy. 9 years ago.. I told Pete that I felt there was a reason for that experience... I just had a gut feeling that my life was just too even keel.. Here I was living the life of Riley- husband who could get things fixed for me, kids achieving in school.. Me working part time at the school my son was at.. How perfect was that??? I think what happened to my family was to teach us about life... I was now head of the family, I made the decisions- financially, etc. I learned how to fix things- which I discovered that the man thing is just over rated... Sorry, dude.. it especially if I could figure out the sprinkler system and the builder's service dept. couldn't...I am not bitter for the losses in my life... Sad, yes, cuZ, I miss my husband, my brother who confided in me, my grandma who resonates in me, and Carol- who was not liked by my MIL...Carol was priceless.

  2. I do not believe in coincidence. Everything, every tiny little decision we make changes our course. And everything is connected to everything else. So yeah, everything happens for a reason. That's not to say that I always AGREE with the universe's reasoning lol.

    I'd like to figure out a way to do the writing gig for a living too. Best of luck with that. And thanks for the link ... it made my heart feel warm and fuzzy.

  3. KBF-

    as i blog more and more i feel there are people as well as things that guide us on our way...

    i have always said that loss is a part of life and it is how we deal with it that determines who we become...

  4. sally-

    gald to make your heart warm and fuzzzy...

    the writing thing will prolly take a back seat to the carpentry thing but for the next few weeks while i am solidifying the job thing, i will work very hard at figuring out the writing thing..

  5. I beleive in Karma and that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Life is a constant learning journey, each experience preparing us for the next. And I believe that the universe provides us with what we need


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