all the cool kids!

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

happy new year!

i got up and went outside!
it smells like a  new year!

i stood still and looked around!
snow was there and here!

it was cold and snowy out!
so cold that daddy went back in!

 i found a toy, but no daddy,
so I considered nappin'!
i hope the new year smiles on you 
and all your dreams come true!
keep your nose to the ground!
or you might just step in poo!


just another day in paradise...
just another dog in puppydise!


  1. Ah… it's good, really good, to see you up and blogging. I figure you've been hibernating, what with all that snow, but I see you and tUcKeR are just laying back and taking it easy.

    Me and Lucyfur are sending sloppy kisses and relatively safe hugs from us girls… (you'll know which is from me, eh!)

    Happy 1st of the New Year… smiles to you.

  2. Happy New Year to you as well Bruce and Tucker!!!!!

  3. Happy New Year Sir Bruce and lovely Tucker.
    Hope you are not getting too much of that white stuff

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