Discalimer: after reding this blog you think you need to form some kind of CrazyAssedIntervention for me, you need to step back have a cold one and take this for what it is.
I did not have a ton of road time this week, so this may have a slight twist of haste. Thinking through a blog is a lot of work. Hard work. The stars have to align, the mood must strike, and the blogmuse must send the blog to me. The blogmuse has been sending me ideas, however they have not been completely usable to the high standard that my blog should be In any event, here goes anyway.
When one considers all the euphemisms that are used to rename the days of the week I have yet to see one that completely encompasses my third favorite pastime. I will have to rectify that situation, but it might not be pretty.
My first favorite pastime is slacking/blogging, the second is cooking/IM2BBQ and the third is quaffing a beverage of the DaddyPop or adult beverage variety. It is the trifecta of time spending when I can accomplish all three. Now that I am mobilsaavy, I can accomplish all three…now that’s what I call multitasking… I will prolly never accomplish that 'cuz it REALLY seems like a lot of work...
Work is the end result of not finding some one else to accomplish what you want done.
I thought about Madcap Monday. I thought about Muddle thru Monday, but I settled on MORE BEER MONDAY. If the day is a Case of the Monday’s type of day, a couple of beers or Crown and Cokes just will not dull the savage pain of a bad Monday. Have a few MORE. Yup, it is MORE BEER MONDAY.
Any night the Tigers are on may play into your conspicuousconsumption…
Twofer Tuesday is the first thought that probably comes to mind, however it is as overplayed as a mean Hollywood prom queen. I can do better than that.
The Pistons may contribute to alcohol abuse…
I really hate the expression Hump Day. As a guy it does make me giggle in my mind, cuz of sexual overtones but seriously, that is not the actual intention, is it? Why not just call it horny dog day, or to rid this phrase of sexual overtones, half-way day, . Something must be done and I am just the guy to do it. I introduce to you WET YOUR WHISTLE WEDNESDAY…discretion needed, or not…you decide…
The WINGS win more than lose so many a celebration may ensue…
There are really eight days a week. In the time/space continuum, there is a hidden day. I know it is there, but it is like leap year, it does not occur all the time. It only happens when there are Monday holidays involved. We’ve all been there. This explains the unnerving and perplexing what day is it? phenomenon after a three day binge weekend. This day is known as WUSSYDRINK WHAT DAY…I stay sober on this day… I hate wussydrinks…
If you do not believe in ghosts you should start. There is one that lives in our garage. I hit the off button on Sheila every night, she goes dark and EVERY morning she is lit up and on again. I even unplug her power cord. I know what you are thinking…aliens…or your a weirdo. Not so much. And if you are thinking drunkard…resounding NO as well. GHOSTS…jus sayin’
I am sure this is a ghost. I do not remember using the camera or taking this picture. Ghosts love to be filmed. They often take pics of themselves, when you are not looking or paying attention. Fair warning to all of you…They do exist!
This one is so easy even a kindergartner could figure this out. I know it is also Mancave Thursday for some of us, and that ties in nicely with the event. I We will now refer to this day as THIRSTY THURSDAY.
Any night that is a guy’s night deserves the proper imbibery… Ladies nights as well...
There is only one choice. FREE BEER FRIDAY. There were a few rules to this particular day. Way back during the nieghborstaupo days at the Three Mile
1. Bring some beer (each participant brings 3-6 beers)
2. Make it f-ing good beer (no Natty, MGD, Buttlite or such)
3. Put it in a cooler.
4. Drink the other guys beer, not your own.
5. You did not buy it hence it is free (to You)
This GREAT idea in theory meant the guys would sit/stand around talking trash and drinking beer and the ladies
Tip ‘em back, and have a good time…
How do you follow up a great name like Friday’s new moniker? Follow it up with more genius. Hence, the new name for Saturday is SUCK ‘EM DOWN SATURDAY. No driving, when you’re drinking… Nothing more need be said…
Drinking until puking is NOT allowed…that kind of drinking is for amateurs…
After your communion wine, which I have heard is no longer REAL wine, because of certain alcohol related issues; it really is time to slow down. Gotta have a day of rest. Can’t get blotto every day. Slow down on SLOW DOWN SUNDAY…unless an IM2BBQ just happens to present itself. Still moderation is the key to life…lets try to keep it safe…I suggest you stick with wine…and limit the number…Do what you do…but do it responsibly…unless you are watching read: napping the Lions…