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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

circling the drain

1.Happy Meal Ban...2.Patti Stanger...3.Keira Knightley...4.JaMarcus Russell...5.3D TV
6.Britney Spears...7.Kiefer Sutherland...8.Asbestos...9.Luxury Cars...10.Harry Reid

     Well, election day is the few minute that I looked at the recaps, and it really was more like a mamosecond. (no i did not mis spell that...A mamosecond is...the amount of time  a guy can get to look at cleavage before he gets the *i didn't-wear-this-so-you-could-stare-at-my-boobies* LOOK. and believe me that is not a long period of time!) But suffice it to say, my perusal of the election results was unusually brief. I have lots to do! I am the busiest unemployed m-fer, if not on the planet, at least in the zipcode...well, fershure in my house...
     It does not matter if you voted for the BrayingJackassery or the TrumpetingFatassery...or one of the smaller inconsequential parties, which although I agree with in principle, is doing nothing to challenge the status quo...I hope I live to see a third party of consequence. It matters that we have the chance to determine who we want to represent us!!!
although i did see a Bush/Cheney sign in someones yard...
and that really concerns me...
did i somehow fall back in time?
    The smoke has cleared or that is what we would like to think has happened, but until the present is the past, it is all the same. Only time will tell and a bunch of other pithy cliches can truly acertain the events of 11/02/2010...So how come I feel as if  I spent a TooLateNight in a smokey bar? Why do I feel a cloud of impending doom?  
why do I feel as if we are circling the drain?
i have lost faith in the leaders of this country...
but i still have hope..
     The votes have been counted the chads have been hung and the new and old prostiticians have the chance to f-up TheSystem that is so broken that Humpty Dumpty has more of chance to be put together by the KingsMen than our PoliticalMachine. Jus" Sayin'...
 so as America circles the drain, we have this to be thankful for...
no more robocalls
no more e-mails from the KingsMen (and women)
no more prostiticians littering the landscape with signs and billboards...
at least for a few months..
no more people asking me if i am going to vote or if i voted....
      Yes, my friends the country is circling the drain. It has been for some time now. But in my limited scope of knowledge of things of historical significance, it seems like the bad times do not last. No, my friends they do not. it could be worse...yes it could...i am remiss in figuring how, at this point but i know it could be worse... 
    There are some things I am sure will happen.
tomorrow the sun will rise.
(if not we will not know cuz we'll all be dead)
the IRS will always get its money and the economy will turn around.
The USA will be back on top. Or near the top.
       We will survive, but not because we voted for Prostitician #1 or #2. It is because this country is great! In spite of the idococy. In spite of the bickering. In spite of the the fact that in 2000 the election results were tampered with and the clear winner will never REALLY be known. If anything should have destroyed the USA this ElectionDayDebacle should have toasted the US... It did not. and even though I feel there were some ShadyShenanigans, we did not settle the outcome with tanks and guns... We came together and accepted the results.
    Our country will always be divided on issues. Some, if not most, people will always vote on the HotButtonOneIssue...whatever... we may forever circle the drain... I am positive the worst is behind us. cuz if you'er not gettin better you are gettin worse.
   I celebrate today as a new begining. We can circle the drain for a long time. As a guy tht has seen a lot of clogged drains, they are very slow to empty. mebbe we are in better hands now. mebbe the election will show us that there are some people that really care about the situation and not just PoliticalPartisanPartylinePaltitudes...
     We can only hope. I am  a GlassHalfFull type of guy!!!

Cuz it is truly....

still need to clikthru to save the puppies


  1. "circling the drain" damn, those word fit!. I feel the same as you do.. I think the problem is that no one wants to be accountable- not only the politicians or the common man... The common man is blaming Obama for not fixing the problems in two years.. WTF? he's not God..It took years for us to get this way, I feel its because everyone kept ignoring the problems.. Just like people ignoring the environmental issues... Look at BP for their mishap... Its easy to put blame on someone who many think has the power to do whatever... As they say 'it takes a village'...

  2. KBF-
    yeah i hear has been a long time coming...i try to keep

    the ranting to a min
    and find a positive spin...

    my proflie pic is from the obama celebration party, so i do not blame him...

    the problems have been ignored for so long because rich people kept getting richer and then the bottom fell out and now the blame game is the first step in fixing...

    that is why i still hope...hopefully they will decide to fix it instead of pointing fingers...

    we do our part by picking whom we think will represent us they do their part by working together...i hope...

  3. so THAT explains why i'm wet, dizzy, and covered in someone else's pubic hair....

    glad we got that cleared up; i was worried for a sec.

  4. I'm with you. Wish I could hold on to that hope you still seem to have, because I know it's more effective than giving up. I've adopted a wait and see attitude.

    I did my part yesterday but was so uninspired by it that I have not even perused the results as yet. I'll face that fear shortly though, I mean, you gotta know, ya know?

    The thing I don't like about your analogy, however apt I think it is, is the inevitability, however slowly, of the water going down into that black hole. I wish I could see a way out.

  5. @ christopher..LOL

    @ Mustang Sally
    i really bad clogs the only way to really fix them is to start my youth i would be screaming for revolution as a solution. now i am prolly only fooling myself with the hope that it will get better..

    i vowed to myself in the begining of this blog i would keep it up beat and spin my attitude...

    the problem is it is never easy to keep positive when the situation is very negative...

    hence i am left with only hope...


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