all the cool kids!

you are getting very sleepy...when i snap my fingers you will follow this blog! leave tasty comments! and check out my OTHER blogs! Bruce's Evil Twin stupid stuff I see and hear The Dreamodeling Guy dreamodeling! The Guy Book The Guy Book

the blogdog blog

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

play...just play!

tUcKeR says: it is raining...whats the big deal? lets go out and play daddy!

daddy says: Remember when we had to live without the pocket 'puter. i could go out and be away from my job. I could actually disappear...

 tUcKeR says: i don't remember that...any what? i. want. to. play! i only get 10 or so years and I am already nearly 5, so lets get on with it! lets go sniff some stuff and chase that black cat next door...

daddy says: I can't right now buddy, I have work to do.

tUcKeR says: you suck!
daddy says: I know, buddy, I know...

tUcKeR says: harrrumph!
daddy says: sorry buddy...but... it is what it is...

just play!
just another dog in puppydise!

Monday, February 10, 2014

snow day(s)!

i am tUcKeR. i am a was a puppy!

i know, you all think i am still  a puppy, but i am 4 years old now, and i think big dog thoughts!

i was a puppy before but  now i am a big dog!

i am adulthooded!

daddy is busy doing daddy things, cuz he is busy...busy busy busy!

no time for tUcKeR... so i decided to bloggerer a blog!

i will tell it like it is...

my dogvise to you whiny little bitches...(see how i did that, with a dog reference?  but i used it to describe your behavior?...when daddy is not watching, i do whats i want! when i wants! i roll like a big dog!)

see... I am a big dog! i used big dog words...i am soppissticated! 


love the snow, and quit whining.

it is winter, get used to it.

me? i have been loving up me some snow!
always IPP!

be ready for everything!

 the world DOGMANATOR!
wait. what? what WAS that.
try to catch a snowflake on your tongue! it is easier if you have a big tongue but i betcha can do it!
yummy snow! take a bite out of life! every day is precious snow or no snow!
always smell it first! and don't eat it if it smells like pee or poop!

mark your territory!!!
when ya gotta go, ya gotts ta go!

well... I gotta go!
till next time!

Just Another Dog In Puppidise!