all the cool kids!

you are getting very sleepy...when i snap my fingers you will follow this blog! leave tasty comments! and check out my OTHER blogs! Bruce's Evil Twin stupid stuff I see and hear The Dreamodeling Guy dreamodeling! The Guy Book The Guy Book

the blogdog blog

Saturday, November 13, 2010

...its not delivery...

1. Pat Sajak  (wtf did he die? he's been trending for two days) 2. Katy Perry (Likes Mashed Potatoes) 
3. Airport Security 
4. Russian Spies  (oh MY!)
5. Harrison Ford 6. Guns N' Roses (they still arouund?) 7. Kate Gosselin 
 8. Hulk Hogan (on a motorcycle?)  9. Skyline Movie 
10. Tablet Computer (does this count tablets?)

   something is puzzling me...I know that is not a big surprise... if the box says now even better tasting or now with more flavor do you think they are just lying to us? It's okay to put that on dog food or cat food...cuz ANYTHING would be better than the dog food I have eaten...or those cat treats...damn tequila...
    and remember Madge, "your soaking in it" whatever her name is? for Palmolive  dish detergent? I do. tonight as I was thinking about this post, I thought Palm Olive. for some reason it just sounded funny...Palm trees and Olive oil. Does not really seem  like a good combination for a cleaning product...IDK, but
     It is Friday night. When it was Friday afternoon I was all set to FRIDAY! and by Friday, I mean FRIDAY!!!! Like any Fridayer worth a damn, I came up with a plan. I laid out all the particulars to my wife cuz it is better to ask for permmission than beg for forgiveness...(Hint Hint)
   1. Finish up what I had going on. (what it was is unimportant)
   2. Get home and do some stuff. (no, this is not code for surf porn)
   3. Check out my blogs (some blog love to bouncin barb   kara first two followers of my EvilTwin
   4. Go See VoHo (you can read about who this is if you are new)
   5. Friday...(we'll see what happens...ya just never know)

     Where and when this paricular Fridaying would end up no one knew. That is the beauty of Fridaying. ShitHappensWhenYouFridayNaked. Yup. I was ready to Friday til I was Purple and until the cows came home. Somewhere between plan and exectution my night turned south. I would not say it turned to shit, but it did not become a Friday for a Fridayer like me. It was more like a Monday... aside from the whiskey and cokes it was very much not Friday...
     Don't get me wrong, I am not upset or dismayed. Oh contrarrer monfrraer...I am pleasntly buzzed, the TuckMonster is tucker'd and I am enjoying a third Canadian and Coke.AT HOME cuz..i sent a shout out to my peeps seriously bruce? your peeps? what a dumb expression, but i just HAD to use it. drinking and blogging...hummm.... I sent out an obligatory FRI.DAY.S.O.S...(friday Starting Out Sober)
and got zero replies...
guess there was not much Friday in the group...
    I headed back toward the JADIPPalace and was going to find where the Friday was...I got thru satges 1-4. and quite sucessfully I might add.  with no particular plan and all night to do it there was time...someone had to respond to my FRI.DAY.S.O.S...
      in the mean time, I was hUngRy.HuNGry.HUngRy! and being so close to JP I figured I could Grub-n-Go...and this is where I lost my way. This was where the Fridaying ended. I know you are thinking, that's awful! 
well, i gotta say nope. and here is why...
    I decided to make a quick CW and C and reached into the FrozenTundraOfLambeauFreezer for some cubes and saw a site to behold. No  I did not catch any ghosties sucking on ice cubes, but I did spy a frozen pizza...
    Frozen piza is an artform now days...When I opened up the FrozenTundraOfLambeauFreezer and see Tuscan Chicken crispy crust Flat-bread all in one suculent sensational box I kinda forgot my mission...remember I was  hUngRy.HuNGry.HUngRy! and in order to satisfy this huNger, food must be involved. I have occasionnally often drank my dinner when I am Fridaying too much. not tonight. nope.
     writing about the alarm clock from hell may have casued the next series of grevious errors. I think the digital clocks in this house are communicating on some wierd wavelength and that could be a problem...
       1. pizza will cook in almost half the time if you set the oven to 550 F.
       2. it will not be cooked thru and thru, but the exterior will look more than done
       3. hitttig the timer button repeatedly the timer does not move up. that's a problem cuz...
       4. what is moving up is the oven temperature (Jus' Sayin')
       5. a cigarette from start to finish is just about the same time it takes for a pizza to go south...
       6. you cannot hear the timer when the TuckMonster is barking at something and the door is shut
     eventhough i nearly experienced a near PizzaDizaster I survived...the OvenOverTemperature was averted and my drink did not spill...all in all not to shabby...Fridaying did not occur, on  a very grand scale, but worse things could happen...I could be out of whiskey...being out of coke would just mean that I would have to drink it straight...
too bad its not tequila...
         and you know what? this has really been bothering me...who gets the MutualFBFriends when a break up occurs. (not that i am going thru a break, my wife will kill me mebbe but we are not going to break least not today..) It is bad enough with the choosing sides with all the REAL nearby friends, what is gonna happen to all the extended friendships? That was one thing that was pretty great during the mildly famous days when I got bored with someone, I just drove to the next town. if they got bored with me???...well THAT has NEVER happened...  
  it is not delivery it is digiorno or however the f they spell was good! 

it turns out my FRI.DAY.S.O.S... never got sent...
it went straight to draft
 guess my good-and-smart phone wasn't too good
or too smart...
or mebbe it was...
mebbe i was meant to NOT


My wife ended up being the Fridayer.
shes still not home...
went to bed...
better sober up in case i have to go get her...

Friday, November 12, 2010



1.Boeing Dreamliner (crashes in the Burmuda Triangle) 2.Teenage Dream 3.Pat Sajak (died?) 4.Travis Pastrana 5.Wireless Internet 6.Black November (oh what now? is this about the stock market or is black friday just been expanded to the whole
7.Medicare 8.Hulk Hogan
9.Rachel McAdams (hot) 10.Natalie Portman (hot)

 NOTE: check the blogroll for some xcelent other blogs...and don't forget to stop by  Bruce's EvilTwin... i was gone this morning so he may have a new post...

      In our kitchen, we have 3 clocks in very close proximity. I like to call this area the BurmudaTriangle...our BurmudaTriangle consists of  a stove, a microwave and the AlarmClockFromHell. None of these clocks EVER reports the same time. Unless I go over and  adjust them. Which I just did. Well, to be honest I adjusted just the microwave to read the same as the stove. The AlarmClockFromHell, not so much. It is always 1 hour or so off...
     I understand that very few people really like alarm clocks. I do not like to have an annoying beep go off and takes me away from the world of slumber, nor do I like to be awoken by The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Unless I am getting up to go fishing, then it does not mattter what kind of noise it is, it is a good thing that I am going to go to do, so okay...  
    The AlarmClockFromHell has a radio that goes off at odd 2 in the afternoon. It goes off, I jump outta my skin, and hastily run over and attempt to shut the damn thing up. And just so you know, moving without your skin, while it sits in a  pile under the desk, is very difficult. Putting your skin back on even moreso.
     I know, you are prolly asking, "Bruce why don't you just unplug it?" I have tried that...remember it is the BurmudaTriangle and all that. Strange, odd things happen there. Unplugging does not seem to work...battery back-up? nope...MysterySpot  Burmuda-ish stuff, yes.
     One time, after a random AlarmClockFromHell encounter, I put my skin back on wrong and had three nipples. I think the third nipple was actually my belly button, but it was not long before the AlarmClockFromHell went off again, and I had to re-apply my skin, this time taking the proper care to line the belly button up correctly...BTW, I am pretty sure the third nipple was not my bung-hole...Jus' sayin'
     Who on earth would set an alarm clock for 2 in the afternoon when everyone has a day job or school? My wife swears she did not set it, my daughter says she didn' t do it.  The TuckMonster couldn't do it and I sure as hell did not touch the damn thing.
     Demon possession or the earths magnetic field must have something to do with the discrepancy in these clocks. Eerily similar to the Burmuda Triangle...mebbe I disappear for an hour when I walk in this area and the only clock that does not change is the AlarmClockFromHell
      AlarmClockFromHell is impossoble to adjust. Unless you have an advanced degree in nuclear physics or you are some kind of math genius, the damn thing just likes to report what ever time it decides.  To make my life easier, and I am all for that, I adjust the other clocks to AlarmClockFromHellTime. usually...
     Since we just fell back, in this neck of the woods, the AlarmClockFromHell reads 1:51. Mr. Stove and Mr Micro both report that it is 2:49.  My laptop reports it is 2:52. As does my Cell phone. There is something very wrong with this picture. If we fell back shouldn't the oven and micro read one hour before the AlarmClockFromHell?
    I did not even remember to set the clocks back this year. Usually I use this day to get and extra hour of sleep and an extra hour of drinking. Now I have to wait a whole year before I can take advantage of this phenomenom. DAMMIT! and half way thru I LOOSE an hour and that is not good.
    I will operate under the assumption that the AlarmClockFromHell is like three time changes wrong, and go with my gut. Both the computer and the cell phone say it is 2:52, and so that is what I will believe. Some crazy stuff happens in our BurmudaTriangle. Time stands still or moves crazily ahead. Or so I would beleive. 
     I did attempt to take a picture of the AlarmClockFromHell but it refuses to show up on the camera. Mebbe I went back in time to be fore i hit the shutter. Mebbe I was in a different dimmension. IDK, But I do know I am staying as far a way from the AlarmClockFromHell as I can... and the next time it goes off, will be the last time, as I introduce it to my little friend...I am not sure even that will work...oh and...sorry if you get hit by a stray bullet from the crazy timewarpage...

thematic Photography 123 black and white

1.veterans day 2. nothing else really matters except honoring those we have lost to all wars...
i know i am a little late for the veterans love, but but it took far longer to do this than i thought it would...




do not let the

it is a war in which
we are all touched
                breast cancer
                        in memory
                                       of those
                                            we have lost....            

for more of  the show of themed pics visit Carmi (writteninc) 
add your own!!!
if i can do this so can you!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

so i got a pet rock

1.Brittany Murphy (dead, but she was hot) 2.Iowa Plane Crash (bummer) 3.Giada De Laurentis (Who the F is this?) 4.Osteoporosis 5.Mikhail Baryshnikov (male ballet dancer?) 6.Loretta Lynn (god she looks old and stuff) 7.Skin Care 9.Retirement Age (47 is the new 62) 10.Elizabeth Smart

8.Veterans Day
(thank you to the men and women that serve our country to protect our freedoms!!)
    Being unemployed is a  terrible great thing. I have found that there are ABSOF-INGLUTLY no jobs for a guy of my particular skill set...WTF...I updated my resume. I changed my contact information. I changed my previous employer. I decided on a fair wage for the industry and the current economic climate. I have done a ton of Work on this, and yet, still no jobs...but.... 
     The other day TuckMonster found me a pet rock. Ordinarily, I may not find that very exciting, but ya gotta find enjoyment in the little things when you cannot afford the big ones. However, I have discovered that big bottle of cheap CanadianWhiskey can get you just as drunk as the more expensive ones. Truth be told even more drunk, cuz you can buy twice as much for the same price and hence drink twice as much.

just so you know, I rarely  never occasionally let alcohol influence my body of work.
     I like this time of year when the gift boxes come out. I am talking about the alcohol gift boxes. It's cool cuz you can buy a bottle of your fav orite booze and they give you a deck of cards or a couple glassses.  Of course if you don't drink this present is not as cool but it sure beats a snuggy. or a f-ing brown wallet...
    All this time to sit and stare at the computer has given me a chance to find some other bloggers that I really dig like this blog: Kara Hoag. Check her out. She only has two followers of which I was the first, so I get all the cerdit when you stop by. I don't understand how a blog about quilting can have over a thousand followers but intersting stuff like her blog has only two...
 for that matter why do i only have 16?
(one of which is me, so 15?)
kudos to the 15, tho' 
prolly cuz my blog sucks,
or other people suck.
i prefer to think it is not me...
do the math, people!
   It has also given me time to figure out what I really want to do with my life and WorkingForALiving is really not it. It pays the bills and keeps me fed but what else has it done for me lately? I will say hell I will say a lot of things, but I do not wake up every morning feeling like some MMA guy spent the better part of the night using me for a practice dummy.
    What does that mean? Obviously, it means that my job, now that it went bye bye is not longer killing me. So my addiction to vicodin is for naught. Seriously? Addicted is too strong a word. let's just say,  I like vicodin and it likes me, K? but not lately. Nope.Not.Lately. Have not needed to kill the pain. And just so you know, I HAVE NOT simply substituted drinking for vitamin V. Nope. Not so much. I am just not taking both.
      I, however, have come up with a daily routine to keep me from just drooling in front the TV/'Puter. Part of my routine is surfing the net for porn  jobs. Everyone knows sleeping in is much more fun than getting up and making big sticks into little sticks, playing with toilets, and moving paint from a bucket to a wall...but you have to make an effort. You have to apply yourself to get anywhere. AND Apply for jobs to get one...Jus' Sayin' 
     Being basically a lazy guy, I have to have a routine or I will just do a whole lot of nothing. Not that that is all bad. As I approach the end of my second week of unemployment I have yet to follow thru with any of the goals and directives that I put forth on my little, organized outline. Except one. I did file for unemployment. Oh wait make that two, I put my resume on the MIWorks page...okay make that 3. i sent out a few resumes...
   So, yeah I got a pet rock. It is cool and all that. It does nothing. I respect that. If you have been around for millions of years, it is cool to just do nothing. I know that 47 is close to a million, or at least closer to a million than 46. (yay ChicagoMath!) but when you start thinking a rock is your new idol? Is there someting wrong with that? IDK?
     i wonder what to name this little guy?
and yes those are fangs...
without opposable thumbs, how else do you think it kills its food?
a contest is in order.
i will come up with some rules and a prize and get back to you later..
i. have .soooo. much. to. do...
     I wonder why no one has responded to the 47 yr old construction guy that wants to make $55.00 hour and does not want to get out of bed the house to do it...mebbe it is time to update that resume...again...
 wait.a.min.ute. one of the blogs  I Follow just updated a blog...better check that out...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

thematic photo 122 electric part 3

so   who
  a six   

the       future

for more really cool pics on this theme and to try this cool Blogshare idea....visit written inc
Jus' sayin...

all that googles is not gold...

1.Lynda Carter (hot) 2.Amber Tamblyn 3.Wendy's Fries (yummy)4.Robert De Niro

5.Junk Bonds 6.21 Jump Street (COOL) 7.Pee-wee Herman 8.Pink
9.Rachel Weisz (hot) 10.Cancer Treatment
what nothing about mortgages?
    I must admit that after I decided to let the TuckMonster take over Tuesdays, I was a little worried that I would not want to blog again. he loves to regale you with stories.i her about it all week long... Well, that is not true. After GoogleBrother SuckerPunched me and turned off my little scam AssSense account, I was ready to call it quits... cuz all that googles is not gold...
     I figured I would finish up the five or so days of drafts I had in the hopper and fold up the circus tent that is this little trip thru GoofyDom that is my blog...but then...quitters never..oh whatever...
     however, i do like the blogs i follow: the bitchy waiter , scotts tip of the day , a fresh start with kalei (Kalei's best friend) , functional kaos (AKA mustang sally) , Carmi , simple dude  , fickle cattle  , and the rest of the fine bloggers on my blog roll.... and that being said i cannot just leave. so i have to have a way to reconcile the demons of this debacle...
     when bad stuff happens we all find different ways to deal with our problems...i am usually happy-go-lucky...but lose your job and your passion in the same week and it can really take a toll on you. i posted that i would move on and get over it, but when i got the e-mail from GoogleBrother that they were unable to re-instate my CashCow AssSense account...well lets just say it was not JADIP...nope it was about as far away from that as was OverServedObbligerence on  a  shitstick...
     I actually started a third blog written by  Bruce"sEvilTwin but after attempting to become untechtarded long enough (about 2 minutes) to figure out how to do a anonymous blog I gave up...well not quite. I have that first post and I have posted it...i think...again techtarded...I cannot figure out how to unhide it fom my dashboard, but whatever...(actually i can, i am just being facetious)
bruces evil twin is always just lurking in my mind...
     He does not like the Jadip ideal...he likes chaos. he likes to be free...we all have a mr.hyde just waiting to come out. I keep him on a short leash for the daily insanity that he would love to spew forth. Unfortunately he does have a spot in my head and he does occasionally spring forth into the forefront.
     In an effort to keep the EvilTwin from running rampant I have given him an outlet...He will never be nice. He will never be restained. He will always say what I cannot say and still feel like I am writing a blog worthy of the quality followers and friends I have garnered in the last 10 months or so. I made it an adult content site for the language and content.
     So here it is Wednesday and I am still fighting with the desire to leave blogger, for greener grass. So I started a new blog on a different blog host. I do not like the new host as well. I do not like the format. I do not like the layout. and the thing is...theWORST thing is.... the Just Another Day In Paradise name is available over there...where as it was not available with blogger...  
that is the worst thing...
man-up and quit being a baby...
And then I find out that that GoogleBrother has their fingers in that pie as well. 

google may have a ton of cash...
they may have kicked me...
when i was down..
all that googles is NOT gold...
but now i have a new plan
    I do want to move on. I do want to forgive the past. It is tantamount to being healthy and happy to not CARRY the burden of spite, hate and negativity. And that is difficult, when your EvilTwin is constantly dumping vitriol into your head. I know this is not the end of the world. I know no one will die from my AssSense account being closed..
except all those puupies...
      Dreams should die hard. they should fight for their survial, or why even have them. Mebbe I am being stupid or childish, but as long as my EvilTwin is lurking in the dark, dank, dungeons of my mind, I will NOT be able to move on...
unless i give him a place to vent.

     I have that EvilTwin. I will let him out once a week. I will let him have all the bad vibes, and negativity. and mebbe i can really move on...
at least that is what i am telling myself...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

tuckmonster tuesday 2


give the tuckmonster an inch and he takes a mile...actual trending now

1.Gretchen Mol  2.Lady Gaga (totally sucks)3.Chad Ochocinco (overated) 4.Dakota Fanning
5.Samsung Smartphone (riight)
6.LeAnn Rimes 7.Twinkies Diet (see also hot dog diet) 8.Healthy Soup Recipe (cream soups?) 
9.Egg Recall (man should not have had a half dozen for lunch, huh? 
10.Influenza (got bacon?)


     hi again i am tucker. i am writing daddy's blog while he is chewing on one of my toys...he had a couple of those things with the brown liquids and the crunchy sticks that he swirls around in the glass making all kinds of tinklie sounds with those yummy ice cubes...then he jumped on the couch in my spot and closed his eyes...
     he said i should include this link about fosterdogs in NYC. his friend that writes Kalei's Best Friend said he should check it out. he did. i always do what i am told...mostly...
    this week i am going to talk about all kinds of....wait there is one of those fluzzy things with the big to get it! to get it! to get it!
     i am back. the subject this week is trucks. dogs love trucks. that is what daddy says. he laughs when he says it. he thinks that is funny. he says i would not understand, that it was before my time. woofever...
   i do love trucks. i love daddy's truck bestest, but mommy's truck is cool too. she always lets me ride where ever i want. i always have a bunch of toys in mommy's truck.
    daddy makes me sit in the seat beside him...when he goes to chase down white plastic bags filled with all kinds of good smells. i sit in his seat. and sometimes i eat stuff. mostly i lick his cup with that brown liqiuid in it that he drinks in the morning before he can talk. he has toys in his truck for me too. they are made of wood. they have black stuff inside them. he also has other toys made of plastic with black stuff inside them. the black stuff in these toys tasted really icky. but i chew them anyway. i like to chew. chew.chew. chew... 
     he is gone FOR. EV.ER...or not long at all. i have no sense of time...sometimes i chew the cup up... and sometimes there are paper things that are really good eatin...he gets tells me i am bad. when he gets back so i lick his face. then he laughs and i get all wigglyjiggly. i do not know what that bad means...mommy always says i am a good puppy and libby always says i am soo cute.   
    when i am in daddy's truck i like to make pictures on the windows with my nose. daddy says i am an artist. but he usally calls me a conartist. are they the same thing? then i get a treat...i like treats....they are yummy. yummy. yummy 

daddy smoking~Tucker nose-art
   hey lookit this...lookit this...lookit this...a toy...i will drop it on daddy. then i will jump on him. then we will go for a ride. in the truck. and i will make more nose-art pictures. mebbe i will hang my head out the window.mebbe i will bark at all kinds of stuff...i know i will get a treat.get a treat. get a treat...

see you next week

Monday, November 8, 2010

beer and ...fortune cookies...

1.Meredith Vieira (who?) 2.Kendra Wilkinson (again who?)
3.Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.Dina Lohan (oh Lindsay, what have you done?)
5.Karina Smirnoff (ummm Vodka) 6.Derek Jeter (I hate the Yankees) 7.Rheumatoid Arthritis 
8.Amanda Knox(who?) 9.Bank of America (sucks arse)
10.Broadband Service (fairy dust and band-width)

    Today I had some beer. Yesterday I had some beer. The day before that, I had some beer. I like beer. I Like Canadian Whiskey more...I like Crown Royal mostest of all. I am unemployed so CR is out. Beer can be had fairly cheaply. And occasionally people buy me a beer...  
    A few weeks ago I posted THIS . (read THIS post if before you go on, or this current post will be lamer than it already is...)
    There are few things in this world that can make a bad day good, but good Chinese food is one of them. Fortune cookies are part of the ChineseFoodRitual. And it is a ritual. No doubt about that. When you eat Chinese food three things will happen. ALWAYS!
Other things may happen when you eat Chinese food. You can share these in a comment.
but please do not tell me that you will be hungry an hour later...
    1. You will have someone ask if they can try some of your food.
               duh. Chinese food is MEANT to be shared.
               let them use their chopsticks and grab some out of your box.
               that is part of the ChineseFoodRitual.
    2. Someone will make some off color remark about cats.               
                they will think it is REALLY funny
                they will prolly laugh at their remark
                that someone is usually me
                everyone else will lose their appetite
                there is more for me...Jus'Sayin'
     3. You will eat a fortune cookie
                99.99% of the time the fortune will be inside the cookie
                If you have no fortune you better beware
                      throw some salt over your shoulder and go straight home
               99.99% of the time everyone gets a different fortune
               you never get the same fortune EVER in your life twice
    that is until...wait for it....wait for it.... today.... until today...this has never happened in the whole world of fortune cookie world of ChineseFoodRituals. Unless you buy a semi-truck load of boxes of fortune cookies and just sit their day after day cracking them open and eating them. One after another...then it might happen, but I think that is cheating...and you know what they say when you cheat at fortune cookies...
you are cheating the devil...oh wait, i think that my Grandma J used to say that about cheating at solitaire...yeah, i think that is where i heard that...but the same COULD be said about cheating at fortune cookies...
 I actually had a fortune cookie Sunday, but I had already posted a blog, so I decided to post this today.
new fortune not the same as the other one i got from Chris...
i have gotten this fortune twice and my son had this fortune once...
is three times the charm? must be...
cuz it is....

and i did not lie about the beer... or the fortune cookies...
tune in tomorrow for....
TuckMonster Tuesday

Sunday, November 7, 2010

super sports sundays

1.Nick Lachey 2.Green Bay Packers (suck!!!) 3.Colleges 4.Tyler Perry 5.Edison Pena
6.Zach Galifianakis...(very funny guy) 7.Mortgage Refinance (bankstards)
8.For Colored Girls (second day in top 10!!) 9.Auto Sales 10.Tax Cuts (yeah, RIGGGHT)

  As many of you know  I love sports. \Well, ONLY some sports...If you do not know, or you are new to the JADIP world let me welcome you...and then tell you that I LOVE sports. but not all of them. I do not like golf and nascar. I would appologize for this but it would not be real. and I only roll real...although I hve been known to embellish some things, but not this. i do not like green eggs and...whatever
    I have decided to make sundays blogs about sports...SUPER SPORTS SUNDAY!!!!
     I love hockey most of all. I only love one team in the NHL cuz I am monogamous. in relationships and sports. the DETROIT REDWINGS are my team...(see magic red what?)
     As far as (American) football, I hate all teams. I just hate the lions less than all the others. I hate the jets just a little more than I hate the lions... If you have ever been a lions fan you will understand how come I hate the lions. and since I can not be UnMonogamous, and love another team, I will just hate them all...except the jets...I do not love them, i just hate them a llitle more than the lions, hence they are my second favorite is convoluted, I know...whatever...I think you get the point...
the jets play the lions today...
oh and the lions lost..
in overtime...
and gave up 13 unanswered points...
in the fourth quarter
and OT..
and lost the stating QB...
Matt *OhMyShoulder* Stafford...
     And then there is baseball...or as I like to call it BoreBall...yawn...I like the tigers...but only half the time. I get to choose when I like them. The 162 game season plus playoffs is too damn long. and in the real world summer is usually over before the season is ...How can you refer to a sport as the boys of summer when you can see your breath while watching a game in October, and in Michigan, in April as well there have been breath sightings. I only wish that summer lasted as long a s a baseball season...Jus' Sayin'
       I will watch any sport, including fishing...
except nascar and golf...
why do i hate golf?
who knows...I wrote that so long ago,
but i think it sums it up well, but prolly not...
   I watch college b-ball, but the pro game is not my cup of beer...It was great when the Pistons had Chauncey and when the badboys were around, but ever since MJ the game has become a game of traveling and way too much thuggery...however, its not the heat its the stupidity  most viewed post of mine of all that will bring up a bunch of stuff...
oh i know there are a bunch of other sports...tons of them...riggggth...but whatever...i have a bunch more sundays, i think i can cover them NOT at another time...NEVER!!! geez get off my back!!! this may be the sacrasm font...IDK...

so what happened in the world of sports this week?
     Mike Shannahan happened...he benched Donovan McNabb in favor of Rex Grossman, and he promptly fumbled the ball and the redskins lost the game to lions...then he danced like a prostitician stumping in his presser and said that Mc Nabb was not as CardioPrepared as Grossman for the  2 minute drill...WTF? I want what Shanney was smokin'!! purty dumb...but that is why they call it dope... then he inquired if JaMarcus DonutEater Russell was available...okay...the guy that has been there since training camp is not CardioPrepared enough to run the 2 minute drill but the guy that was cut from the Raiders and has been sittin' at the donut shop for the last couple months might be? glad he is not the lions coach....yup thats why they call it dope...
     death happened...On a sadder note...Sparky Anderson the skipper for the 1984 WORLD CHAMPION Detroit Tigers passed away this week...Good Bye Sparky...God Bless you!!! He told the fans we would win the World Series in Five years when he first came to manage the club... and then DELIVERED!!! from all accounts he was a great guy...        randy moss  happened...he gets traded from NE Patiots to Minnie Vikes, and then he plays for a couple weeks and gets cut by the Vikes..
"It seems after practice (Friday, Oct 29th) Moss didn't like the usual free buffet provided at invitation by local restaurants, this time chicken, ribs and pasta. He expressed that, one player told Yahoo!Sports, by yelling, "What the (expletive)? Who ordered this crap? I wouldn't feed this to my dog!" The scene embarrassed several players. "If Brett Favre would have had a ball, he would have beaned him," Gus Tinucci, co-owner of Tinucci's, told the St. Paul Pioneer Press. "Favre looked at him like, 'Are you kidding me?'" Detroit Free Press staff  Posted: Nov. 3, 2010
another case of what was he smokin'? although i have heard that you are not very picky when you are high...notice i said heard...i have heard of this thing called the munchies...heard...

it is sunday...i guess i will pray... Please God do not let Moss end up in Detroit...

BTW he went to Tennessee i think...